Saturday, September 7, 2013

Anorexia: Parents Share Tips for Identifying Suspicions About Their Child's Eating Disorder

Over the years, I have spoken with parents who often say they wished they had acted on their instincts about their daughter's eating behavior. An inner feeling told them that something wasn't quite right, but they weren't sure if a real problem existed.

These tips and insights are from some of those parents.

1. You may feel like you are imagining there is a problem but pay attention to those feelings. It is better to know there is a problem so you can do something about it than to pretend everything is all right. Imagine helping your daughter early on. It can save her a lot of heartache later in life to get treatment when you first suspect she has an eating disorder.
2. Instead of simply feeling bad for your daughter, and letting the problem escalate, accept that you as a loving parent can't fix the situation. The way to really help your daughter is to confront the issue and get help that works for your daughter and your entire family.
3. Don't believe her argument that she'll be better if you let her go it alone. Utilize professionals as needed and keep an open mind.
4. Your daughter needs you to support her. That might mean 'tough love' and you dishing up food for her and allowing fewer choices.
5. In her head, there is chaos going on. She doesn't want it to be like that, but nonetheless, it's happening. Accepting that the chaos is there helps you see the need for you to take charge sometimes. It will make a difference when you consider the chaos is happening in her mind. She needs your loving, non-judgmental support.
6. Watch her eating behaviors. Consider her unusual eating behaviors as an illness. Work with her like she's a diabetic needing insulin and you must control what she eats so she avoids experiencing shock or coma. Food is your daughter's medicine.

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