Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Healthy Dose of Anorexia Diet Tips

A person suffering from Anorexia faces a lot of health complications that if not addressed immediately and properly may possibly lead to death. First off, a patient needs professional health both from a psychologist and a nutritional dietician who can provide the guidance for the patient to start a healthy eating diet.
Because of starvation an anorexic's body seriously lacks nutrition which not only affects his/ her nervous system. Consequently, the person's digestion, bowel movement and hormonal balance are in tangles. A dose of Anorexia diet tips should be served on his/ her plate:
o Improve sugar intake. To regulate blood sugar level, a patient needs at least 200 micrograms twice daily. As he/ she progresses, the intake can be lessened to 200 micrograms a day.
o Magnesium, a cushion against stress. About 500 to 1000 milligrams of magnesium glycinate should be administered daily to control level stress that has taken a toll on the nervous system.
o Fiber. Digestion needs to be regularized. Fiber rich foods such as fruits and wheat products should be taken in a regular basis.
o Alphabet soup: B, E and Zinc. At least 25 milligrams of Vitamin B, 200 international units of Vitamin E and a separate 25 milligrams of Zinc should be taken everyday.
And anorexia diet tips may help a patient's body recover from damage but the disorder is deeply rooted in the patient's psyche. Hence, he/ she need not be blamed for his/ her demise. Instead, their family and friends should devote love and understanding.

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